Joe Hendren

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Friday, November 18, 2005

Cellphone etiquette II : I bet the Dom to it

On Thursday 10th of November I made a post about Peter Dunne's insensitive use of a cellphone during Rod Donald's funeral, after Dean Peter Beck had politely requested that all moaners ensure their cellphones were turned off. It was a little scoop I came across after attending Rod's funeral in Christchurch.

Today the Dominon Post includes this in its (offline) diary section (hat tip Frog).
"Though he’s no friend of the Greens, United Future leader Peter Dunne made a point of going to last week’s funeral service for party co-leader Rod Donald, with whom he apparently shared a devotion to the cellphone. His was heard to chirp repeatedly in the minutes after Cathedral Dean Peter Beck had made a point of requesting that morners turn them off."

A good example of the Dominion Post being quick to the news - only a week behind New Zealand blogs :)

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